Another month, another contest. The short of it..."Y'er trash is our treasure!" Students turn in all their Box Tops, Campbell's Labels for Education, My Coke Rewards, Tyson Project A+ Labels, ink cartridges, cell phones and store receipts to earn gold coins for their class. The grade with the most gold coins collected at the end of the contest wins a Pirate Ice Cream Boat Party. Anyone want to help me scoop ice cream for 150+ students?
Oh dear! My day just got better! Look what the mailman delivered today. Sooo excited! My favorite is the Ole cartridge. Watch for a fun Cinco de Mayo project soon. My next favorite is the Bridal Shower cartridge. It has a really cool 3-D diamond! The other two? Ummm... they were too good of a deal to pass up! And another confession... I'm a cartridge collector. I'm beginning to think I should change my blog name to Kbear's Confessions!
What would you like to see done with these cartridges?
Follow, Follow, Follow me! Yes, do follow me! But I am actually talking about Dustin Pike at Doodle Dragon Studios great news. Here's what he announced on his blog today:
"Besides this Blog, I have a few other ways to find out what is going on in the crazy world of Doodle Dragon...
I've been hanging out with my computer more lately. I decided to try making another digital card in Photoshop Elements. It's the same concept as a paper card, minus the mess!
We have a program at our school called the Knowledge Bowl. The Knowledge Bowl is a competition for children in 3rd-6th grades. It is an opportunity for them to study a specific subject and then to compete with other schools throughout the district. This year's the theme is Science. Practices started in January and competition is in March. The students study for hours and hours, preparing for the competition. So I thought it might be fun for the PTA to cheer them onto victory with this treat.
For the record, my daughter is a huge Dustin Pike - Doodle Dragon Studios fan. Almost as big as fan as me (it's tough to compete). She loves DDS images. Often she selects a bunch of digis to print off to color. So I wasn't surprised when she wanted to use this cute kangaroo for her Valentine's, which then extended into her Valentine Box. You just pull on the bow to open his heart to leave your Valentine. She's super excited to show off her box and her treat today.
Remember last month was our school's Buy One/Get One Free Book Fair? It's my favorite time to stock up on teacher gifts for a great price. At the Book Fair, the teachers have a "Wish Box" where they put the books they would love to have in their class. Our family has a fun tradition to buy a book (with their favorite treat) for each of my children's teacher and PAST teachers to give it to them on Valentine's Day. Teachers make such an impression on building the foundation of a child. We want them to know we love them in every layer we build. They've had a hand it in. Sadly, this year my daughter is down to three teachers. The other three have either retired or moved to a different state.
Here's a trick to saving money on teachers gifts... Buy at the B1/G1 Free Book Fair, Valentine basket/bag wrap from the Dollar Store (cut in half then tape down the back). It's too huge for one book, but perfect for two. This way any book size will fit. Then top it off with a clearance Christmas red ribbon (you can never have too much curly ribbon if you get it at a bargin!). Plan ahead and watch for your teacher's favorite treat to go on sale.
Supplies: Doodle Dragon Studios image - January 2012 Membership American Crafts patterned paper - Love Falling American Crafts patterned paper - Love Many Splendored American Crafts cardstock Spellbinders Nestibilities - Lacy Squares Offray small ribbon rose Pop dots Glossy Accents
Okay, I have another confession. I'm a big fan of the Twlight series, but not in the "cougar" way. Robert Pattinson is not what I had envisioned my Edward to be. Still... I'm Team Edward.
In honor of today's new release of Breaking Dawn - Part 1 movie (my least favorite of this series), I made this page. This IS one of my favorite quotes of Twilight. In no way do I believe in the use of drugs, but the thought of someone being so wrapped up in their attraction, makes me melt.
You can listen to my favorite line of the movie here:
This project also counts towards our new Doodle Dragon Studios Color Challenge starting tomorrow. Create a project using 3 colors - Black, brown, red, purple, pink. Watch for more details on Sunday's post.
You are intelligent, outgoing & stylish. A true girly girl, you love shopping & makeovers. Although you are a generous friend, you can be coy, tricky & very persuasive in order to get your way. You are known to zone out occasionally during conversations, but your friends forgive you because you are understanding, supportive & know how to throw one heck of a party!
Everything Ducky? How can I help? Have you ever had one of those days/weeks where life is sinking around you? Well, my friend is having one of those weeks, so I thought I'd send them this "pick me up" card. How can you not smile with this cute duck from Dustin Pike's - Doodle Dragon Studios February Membership set!
Supplies: Doodle Dragon Studios image - February 2012 Membership Close to My Heart - blue patterned paper We R Memory Keepers - sunshine Imaginisce - Dino Roar/Petrified Wood patterned paper Provo Craft Stand-Outs - Christina Cole Stickers American Crafts cardstock Font - Gills Sans Ultra Bold Pop Dots The Sweet Stop Sketch #SSS144
I have a confession... I'm a little bit of a Pinterest addict! It's true! When I just want to veg out and unwind, I am drawn to Pinterest. Another confession... I'm a big "pinner" and not much a "doer". But hey, when I need an idea, it will be waiting for me. I have pinned a few of my own projects to my board. Imagine my surprise when I received a notification that Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory had repinned my graduation apple to THEIR board! I'm so excited!!!
Here's my original post of the delicious RMCF graduation apple creation on June 5, 2011.
Need a simple thank you? It's the new year and it seems everyone is on a "eat good" program, so "thank you" brownies are not very supportive. Here's the solution... bananas! "Thanks a BUNCH!"
Here's a quick and easy Valentine's project for you!
Have you ever been friends with someone that at first glance you would never in a million years think that you would be friends? Then you turn out to be BFFs! Sometimes the lion and the lamb really can be besties. :)