Don't mind the load of lumber in my front yard. I'm building an ark. It's rained 32 days out of the last 50 days. Plus it snowed another 2 feet in the mountains yesterday. At some point, it's going to melt. There's still a ton of snow left so it's going to be a problem. But no fear! I'm building the ark. Feel free to join me. Bring some Diet Dr. Pepper. You can never have too much.
I thought after Teacher Appreciation Week life would slow down. Yeah, that hasn't happened. Whoever said life was easier when your kids were older (plus my own schedule) was tricking me. Between PTA Convention (loved it!), PTA training, another PTA meeting, church, scouts, Tumbling, Swim Training (I was corrected that she is in "training", swimming lessons are for kids who need to learn), Swim Team tryouts, high school graduation preparations, meeting with the University Counselors and Financial Office, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, end of the year homework, field trips, Junior High graduation, High School graduation, Grad Night, a big graduation family party, building an ark....yeah I see how life is slowing down and easier. NOT!
Dustin Pike - Doodle Dragon Studios has released some really fun images in the April and May Memberships. If you haven't enrolled, you're missing out! I'm hoping after I work on the ark a little bit, I will make some cards! I have three ideas ready to go if I could sit down for more than 5 minutes.
P.S. Whoever has my good camera's USB cord, would you politely return it today. Please? I need to download some pictures!
ROFL! I was laughing through the entire post! Too flippin funny! Kudos on keeping your sense of humor in all that chaos, and good luck with the ark, LOL! We've only had rain for a week straight and I was already thinking about the same thing but I don't feel so wet now.
Denni, you can join me on the ark!