Okay, I've been MIA here on my blog, but I've been far from MIA preparing for the new school year. This year I am the PTA Leadership VP and the Ongoing Fundraising Coordinator (which means I will be aka the Box Tops Lady (my favorite!) and over Campbell's Labels for Education, My Coke Rewards, Give 'em Five program, ink/toner/cell phone recycling, store cards, Tyson Project A+ and Chick-Fil-A Nights. I personally love Ongoing Fundraising! There's something about beating previous year's earnings that I enjoy.
I took last year off from the Ongoing Fundraising Coordinator PTA position because I had a full time job at Provo Craft, a big church calling, three kids who are heavily involved and a husband who travels. This year things have lightened up...no job (this is a good thing), now I am the Eagle Scout Advancement Specialist in our ward (we have 60 young men in our Troop/Team/Crew), my son went off to college (missing him and my Friday Nights watching him under the football lights), my daughters are involved and my husband still travels the world. I can breathe better this year!
Whew...that was more than you wanted to read! As the PTA Leadership VP, I was in charge of decorations for our Back to School Night. I must confess I was a little sad when the PTA President said she wanted to have a Dr. Seuss theme this year. I usually make all sorts of fun things from Dustin's Doodle Dragon Studios images. But not this year, no fear though...I'll use DDS as the Box Tops Lady. Anyway, here's Thing 1 & Thing 2 that I enlarged and paper pieced together. They are almost 4" tall! I also made a huge Cat in the Hat and Fox in Socks, but I didn't get a picture of them. Originally Thing 2 was on the opposite wall with the Volunteer Table that night, but I moved him to the glass once it was over. Get it? Thing 1 - join PTA. Thing 2 - volunteer your time!
How about you move to WA, our school needs a PTA person like you!!!!